Senin, 12 September 2011


Helo , its Tuesday morning .

And I got sick today :(

Hemm..They are the reason why I posting this.

6 Generation, known as OXYGEN

Yeah,Their make my laugh a little louder. My smile a little brighter,my life a little better and colour full ♥♥♥

 RT@sii_alifh #CUMAbarengOXY, munculnya rasa kehilangan,munculnya rasa kangen yang berlebih!!!

RT @nisrinasalma: #CUMAbarengOXY gue ngerasain tinggal seatap sama orang yg sebelumnya ga gue kenal.nyatanya gue betah!!

RT @wildanbagusss: #CUMAbarengOXY yg ngebuat hidup kita lebih bermakna
RT @karinnetnot: betapa aku merindukan kenangan akan kebersamaan kita dahulu. Rasa kekeluargaan yang pernah kita ciptakan bersama, betapa  harmonisnya ketika kita hidup berasrama…

Forever will be beautiful when we do it together, forever will be sweet memories that can not be forgotten. You will always be remembered me during I lived. until the heartbeat is stopped. until the pulse is not beating anymore. until the blood in my body does not flow anymore. until the organ in my body dies, and can not function anymore. to breath a sigh is over. you have given millions of colors during my junior high school. you taught me the meaning of a loyalty. You taught me the meaning of a friendship. you taught me properly we undergo a brotherhood. with you I'm glad, I'm comfortable with you, with you I was calm, with you.. now i'm understand the meaning of a togetherness.

Bighug, Big thanks, Big love, for oxy :') ♥♥♥

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